
Moulton Mill Restoration: Wednesday 27th November 2013


- At a more peaceful pace than our usual food industry projects, we were tasked by the Friends of Moulton Mill to design & manufacture a replacement gear set to enable the Ogee cap of the mill to be rotated by hand. - Having spent time at the mill to understand the project fully (and to climb up and down the numerous flights of stairs in the tallest mill in the country), we set to work on a hand operated gearbox with a geared ratio that would make rotating the cap a considerably easier task than it had been in previous generations. - After much heavy lifting, this project was completed in November 2013 and will be utilized to turn the cap in times of high winds, or when the mill needs to be maintained. - Winyard Engineering Ltd are proud to be associated with the ongoing restoration of Moulton Mill and wish the Friends of Moulton Mill every success in their ongoing efforts.

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