
Getting ready for a new HUV press!


Sometimes in the printing industry a new way of doing things turns up. We know that our new Komori HUV press due to install next month and be running in just a few weeks is going to make a real difference to our business. What makes it standout is that it uses an efficient UV light source to cure the inks – so rather than waiting for drying the printed sheets are ready immediately to be turned and printed on the reverse or trimmed and folded. This will be hugely valuable, especially on un-coated and unusual papers. Many customers require jobs really quickly and have become used to digital printed sheets being ready as soon as printed – this means our litho print will be too! Along with the higher run speeds and quicker make ready times this is a machine which is just right for today’s print buyers.

Visit the Severn website for more information on Getting ready for a new HUV press!


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