
About Us

Dr. Haidry is a Consultant Gastroenterologist and interventional endoscopist at Cleveland Clinic London and University College Hospital London.

Dr. Haidry specializes in seeing patients with the following conditions:
• Heartburn, indigestion and acid reflux
• Endoscopic treatment of GORD with Transoral incisionless
• Fundoplication (TIF) and Stretta therapy
• Treatment of patients with Obesity with Endoscopic Sleeve Gastropalsty (ESG)
• Treatment of patients with Type 2 Diabetes with Duodenal Mucosal resurfacing (DMR)
• Diagnosis and surveillance of Barrett’s Oeosphagus early squamous cell cancer of the oesophagus
• Treatment of Barrett’s Oeosphagus with radiofrequency ablation, cryo-ablation and endoscopic resection
• Treatment of patients with oesophageal strictures and Achalasia
• Palliation of symptoms with endoscopic therapy for patients with Oesophageal cancer with stents and laser therapy.
• Diagnosis of Small bowel bacterial overgrowth and the use of probiotic therapy, dietary and antibiotic therapy for improvement of symptoms
• Diarrhoea & Constipation
• Abdominal bloating and excessive gas
• Coeliac disease and Food intolerances
• Endoscopic treatment of patent’s with Zenker’s diverticulum and pharyngeal pouches