
Products & Services

Foodb is an industry-leading EPOS (Electronic Point of Sale) service provider, recognized for delivering award-winning hospitality solutions. Our versatile EPOS system is tailored to meet the needs of various business sizes and types, streamlining operations, enhancing order processing, and simplifying management tasks. Foodb’s mission is to empower hospitality businesses with innovative tools and exceptional support to ensure smooth, efficient, and profitable operations.

Products and Services

EPOS System

  • Comprehensive Point of Sale: Our EPOS system automates tasks, speeds up order processing, and reduces financial discrepancies. It's suitable for diverse business operations, ensuring a seamless experience for staff and customers alike.

Online Ordering System

  • Web-Based Solutions: Foodb offers an online ordering platform that enables quick and efficient web-based order placement, cutting out third-party services and allowing businesses to serve customers directly.

Self-Service Kiosks

  • Enhanced Customer Experience: Our self-service kiosks boost customer spending and reduce wait times, providing a modern, efficient ordering process.

Kitchen Display Software

  • Streamlined Order Management: This software eliminates the clutter of paper tickets, ensuring accurate and timely order delivery to guests.

Handheld Ordering Devices

  • Increased Flexibility: These devices allow staff to take orders directly at the table, improving service speed and accuracy by sending orders straight to the kitchen.

Online Dashboard

  • Real-Time Management: The dashboard offers comprehensive reports, day-to-day activity monitoring, precise stock control, and real-time data accuracy to help businesses make informed decisions.

Clocking System

  • Efficient Staff Management: Our clocking system tracks employee work hours, aids in accurate attendance recording, scheduling, and streamlining payroll processes.

Additional Information

  • Next-Day Settlement: Foodb accelerates the transfer of card payment funds to your bank account within hours, bypassing traditional 3-5 day delays and maximizing cash flow.
  • 24/7 Customer Support: We provide round-the-clock assistance with a UK-based customer service team, ensuring reliable support whenever you need it.
  • Competitive Low Fees: Foodb offers industry-low rates for our comprehensive EPOS solutions, making advanced technology accessible to all hospitality businesses.

For more information or to request a free, no-obligation demo, contact us at 0161-341-2244 or visit our website. Foodb is committed to helping your business grow and succeed with the most intelligent software solutions available.