
A Beginner’s Guide to a Cleaner Kitchen


A clean kitchen is often the beginning of a cleaner house and a healthier way of living; although not everybody knows where to begin when it comes to cleaning their kitchen. There are many different methods and techniques that you could utilise whilst cleaning up your kitchen; but for the simplest and most effect methods with a few hints and tips thrown in, you need look no further. Starting with Surfaces One of the first areas that you should focus on when attempting to improve the hygiene within your kitchen and to create a generally cleaner and safer cooking environment is the work surfaces. Work surfaces such as kitchen counters, stoves and the area around the kitchen sink should take priority during the cleaning process as they are used frequently when compared with other aspects of your kitchen. Cleaning surfaces such as a kitchen counter can be cleaned using an anti-bacterial spray and a cloth that has been sterilised using clean warm water. It’s important that you do not keep cloths for too long once they have been used as pathogens can begin to breed within the cloth and the next time you use t you could be spreading disease and infection rather than removing it. Cleaning a stove or a hob can be a very difficult task due to the fact that the majority of the debris will have been burned onto the surface. Rather than scratching your stove by using an abrasive sponge we suggest that you instead pour a tea spoon of white vinegar onto the affected area and leave it for 10 minutes. The acid within the vinegar should eat through and grime that’s stuck fast to your stove. Lime scale that builds up around your taps and sink area can be treated in the same way as the food that has been burned onto the stove – white vinegar should remove the majority of the lime scale better than most branded cleaning fluids. Amending Appliances Over time your appliances can pick up a lot of dust and dirt that you may not notice due to the fact that you focus on the more obvious features of your kitchen. However, this dust, debris and dirt can affect the way in which your appliances work and can even lead to changes in your health. One of the worst appliances for spreading bacteria and fungi is the microwave oven; as you reheat your food using the microwave the water molecules within your food are heated to extreme temperatures which causes water to become vapour which will rise to the top of the microwave. This water will then become condensation – if the condensation is not removed it can cause the appliance to rust as well as harbouring bacteria. On the other hand this water vapour can also supply fungi with essential nutrients and if mould begins to grow within your microwave its spores could land on your food, leading to serious illness. Other appliances that you should clean regularly to increase their lifespan and their usefulness include your toaster. A toaster works due to the fact that electricity runs through wires within the toaster causing the wires to heat a piece of bread using infrared heat. However, if your appliance is also full of crumbs from previous snacks the bread will take longer to heat (toast) and so you could find that your toaster wears out much quicker due to the fact that it has to work harder to produce your toast. To increase the lifespan of your toaster we suggest that you unplug the appliance and empty any crumbs into a waste bin or your sink. By removing the crumbs your toaster will only heat the bread that you place in it. For more information on keeping your kitchen clean and removing unwanted grease, oil or fat you can get in touch with us here at FOGtrap; we’d be more than happy to help.

Visit the FOGTrap website for more information on A Beginner’s Guide to a Cleaner Kitchen


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