
Business development seminars on offer at Trade Days


A series of free business development seminars are on offer at Trade Days this year. Tom Courtney is an experienced Business Trainer, Mentor and Coach and has over 30 years’ experience of delivering business solutions to both public and private sectors, nationally and internationally. He spent 14 years working in the NHS as both a Trainer and Change Agent and was integral to project managing the integration of Health & Safety, Employee Assistance Counselling and Health Education services from three independent organisations, with a view to creating a "one stop shop” facility for health services. He has supporting over 50 companies through the Investors In People Award as well as developing the North of Scotland’s Education Business Partnership initiative. In his roles of Director, Tom has advised over a 1000 SME’s throughout his career in a variety of Training and Business initiatives. Here are the three seminars that Tom will be presenting on both days of the show…. What makes people tick – understanding how to build relationships with everyone you work with and meet Have you ever wondered why you ‘get on’ with some people but not others, why some people work the way you like to work but others don’t, or why you find some clients, suppliers and team members easy to deal with and others difficult? This session will help you appreciate the different ‘personalities’ you’ll come across and show you how to recognise them. You’ll discover how to adapt your behaviour to build relationships and how to influence different characters. Tick..Tock..Tick..Tock – how to get more done every day by managing your time more effectively "There’s not enough hours in the day”; "Where has the day gone”; "I’ve achieved nothing today”; I’ve too much to do and not enough time” – Are any of these phrases familiar to you? Learn what time management is all about, what ‘steals’ your time and understand the causes and symptoms of poor time management. You’ll get a structure and approach to prioritise time and simple tips, tools and techniques on how to maximise your use of time. Getting the most out of a staff appraisal system – how to make them work but why they can sometimes go wrong "Staff Appraisal is a waste of time”, "Staff Appraisal is a box ticking exercise” "Staff appraisal is all about paper work” – Are any of these phrases familiar to you.......... maybe you have said them yourself? This session is designed to explain to you exactly what a Staff Appraisal system is and what it designed to do, explain the many benefits of having a Staff Appraisal System, highlight why Staff Appraisals can go wrong and provide you with some simple tips, tools and techniques on how to get the most out of your own Staff Appraisal system.

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