
Ozone sterilisers for all schools and colleges in Wales


Tackling COVID-19 with Ozone is on the syllabus for Welsh schools and colleges. A £3m fund has been set up to provide ozone decontamination units to tackle COVID-19 clusters when they are identified. Ozone has long been established as the most effective method of purifying air and tackling not just airborne pathogens, but also on surfaces and within fabrics and water. OXIZONE air sterilisers are used widely across UK and Ireland in education and healthcare sectors as well as food production, hospitality and many offices and businesses to provide a "COVID-secure workplace". Read more about the OXIZONE Air Steriliser here Fresh start to new term with investment to help improve air quality in schools, colleges and universities £3.31m will be provided for new ozone disinfecting machines, to reduce cleaning times, improve disinfection and reduce costs. The funding is expected to supply more than 1,800 machines, at least one for every school, college and university in Wales. The time and cost of cleaning rooms was identified as an issue for schools and colleges early in the pandemic. To address the issue, the Welsh Government asked Swansea University to establish an Ozone Classroom Decontamination Project, backed by Welsh Government funding. Scientists at the university have developed an Ozone disinfecting machine, now in production, which can be deployed for this task. The machines can be used to quickly disinfect classrooms when clusters of Covid-19 or other communicable viruses are identified, such as norovirus. The Minister for Education and Welsh Language, Jeremy Miles, said: "we must keep our guard up against Covid-19. These measures will complement, rather than replace our current advice - which includes ensuring hygiene is maintained, and washing hands thoroughly and more often than usual. " Dr Chedly Tizaoui of Swansea University, part of the team who designed the ozone disinfection machine, said: "I am delighted that the ozone technology we developed at Swansea University will support efforts to eradicate Covid-19 in Wales. Reducing the spread of coronavirus in our educational institutions is vitally important, so our children and students can get back to the classroom." "Ozone is potent against Covid-19 virus and due to its gaseous nature, it kills the virus whether be it airborne or adhered to a surface. Thanks to the support received from the Welsh Government and the Active Buildings pioneered by SPECIFIC, our research demonstrated that buildings can be Active on the inside and the ozone treatment developed here can be incorporated to support cleaning and disinfection of public buildings." Rebecca Evans, the Minister for Finance and Local Government, said: "By investing in new technology such as ozone disinfecting machines, we’re ensuring learners can stay in their school and colleges as Wales moves beyond the pandemic."

Visit the o3 Group Ltd website for more information on Ozone sterilisers for all schools and colleges in Wales


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