Hot Water Carpet Cleaners
Robustly constructed Hot Water Extraction Carpet Cleaners for the professional user. Suitable for badly soiled and larger areas due to its large capacity and powerful thermostatically controlled heater.Features:Body constructed of polished GRP fibre glass with a bonded in zinc plated base frame220/240V 1,000W Tangential discharge bypass motor220/240V 50 Psi flojet diaphragm pump with bypass valvesThermostatically controlled element (0-65oC)2 x 10 detachable 10 metre long cable packsSuction/delivery hose assembly crush proofMain wand with twin jets and stainless steel bend and wand tubeLight weight see through hand tool for upholstery and stairsVisit the Morclean Ltd website for more information on Hot Water Carpet Cleaners