
JW Products at P4H England Conference


P4H Healthcare Conference Every year, the NEC in Birmingham plays host to P4H England, the leading health procurement event in the UK. It provides opportunities for healthcare professionals and suppliers to better understand NHS procurement, showcase products and attend seminars given by healthcare procurement specialists. JW Products were in attendance again for the second year in a row and once again, the event did not disappoint. We were able to speak to numerous businesses about the benefits of our clinical products and the importance of diligent and responsible waste disposal in NHS hospitals. We were also able to listen to some of the upcoming changes to tendering processes and procurement initiations within the NHS, explained to us by some of the most informed and involved representatives of the NHS supply chain. “We’ve attended the P4H event for the last couple of years and it just seems to go from strength to strength. Its always nice to check in with some familiar faces and meet new people. The diversity of businesses on show is remarkable and the open conversations that take place in between the hustle and bustle can be very productive. For JW Products staying in touch with the NHS procurement channels is very important, but knowing that we can engage with other reputable businesses is an added bonus. Roll on next year…” -Tom Moville, Business Development Manager We want to say thank you to P4H for putting the event together and everyone in attendance for making our time there both informative and interesting. We look forward to seeing you all there again next year!

Visit the JW Products Ltd website for more information on JW Products at P4H England Conference


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