Glutathione Peroxidase 3 (GPX3): A Key Antioxidant Enzyme in Human Health
Endocrinology Diagnostics
- Member of glutathione peroxidase family
- Selenium-dependent enzyme
- Primary functions:
- Breaks down hydrogen peroxide
- Neutralizes organic hydroperoxides
- Counteracts reactive oxygen species (ROS)
- Essential for maintaining bodily homeostasis
Structure and Function Physical Characteristics:
- Located in extracellular space
- Dimeric structure
- Contains selenocysteine residues
- Uses glutathione (GSH) as substrate
Key Functions:
- Protects against oxidative stress
- Guards tissues from:
- Free radicals
- Inflammation
- Metabolic processes
- Converts peroxides to water/alcohol
- Manages ROS signalling pathways
Role in Disease Oxidative Stress and Inflammation:
- Disrupted activity linked to various diseases:
- Heart diseases
- Diabetes
- Neurodegenerative conditions
- Low activity leads to:
- Increased ROS levels
- Tissue damage
- Disease progression
- Protects blood vessels
- Prevents endothelial dysfunction
- Guards against atherosclerosis
- Complex relationship
- Protective role against oxidative stress
- Paradoxical effects:
- Can protect against tumorigenesis
- May promote tumor survival
- Associated with chemotherapy resistance
- Can enhance tumor growth
Regulation and Expression Influencing Factors:
- Dietary selenium levels
- Oxidative stress levels
- Transcription factors
Regulatory Mechanisms:
- Selenium-dependent protein synthesis
- Nrf2 transcription factor activation
- Stress-responsive pathways
- Antioxidant gene regulation
Suitable ELISA Kits
Visit the BioSupply Ltd website for more information on Glutathione Peroxidase 3 (GPX3): A Key Antioxidant Enzyme in Human Health