Cholecystokinin (CCK): The Multifunctional Gut-Brain Peptide Hormone
Endocrinology Diagnostics
CCK Summary:
Molecular Structure:
- Peptide hormone
- Multiple bioactive forms (CCK-58, CCK-33, CCK-8, CCK-4)
- Synthesized on chromosome 3
Receptor System:
- Two receptor types: CCK-A and CCK-B
- G-protein coupled
- Distributed in gut and brain
Key Physiological Functions:
- Digestive regulation
- Gallbladder contraction
- Pancreatic enzyme secretion
- Appetite control
- Neurotransmitter
- Insulin release management
Clinical Significance: Associated with:
- Metabolic disorders
- Obesity
- Type 2 diabetes
- Anxiety disorders
- Pancreatic diseases
- Gallbladder conditions
Unique Characteristics:
- Produced in gut and brain
- Responds to dietary proteins/fats
- Delays stomach emptying
- Involved in pain processing
- Regulates inflammatory reactions
Diagnostic Potential:
- CCK stimulation tests
- Assessments of gallbladder function
Suitable ELISA Kits
Visit the BioSupply Ltd website for more information on Cholecystokinin (CCK): The Multifunctional Gut-Brain Peptide Hormone